
Kazakhstan Engineering Technological University

City: Almaty

Website: https://kazetu.edu.kz

Type: Государственная

Legal entity type: ТОО

Link to the program in the registry: https://kazetu.edu.kz

QS Ranking: 0

THE Ranking: 0

About HEI

KazETU University was established in 2001. in the city of Almaty. This is a technical university and, at the same time, an agricultural university, it has technical, technological, agricultural specialties, as well as economic specialties and specialties “Services”. The university is one of the best universities in Kazakhstan, which trains the most popular and highly educated specialists. Despite its youth, the official website of the university deservedly occupies a high place in the ranking of universities. The university is training specialists, both on state grants and on a paid department. At the University, KazETU College conducts its educational activities. The college offers training in various technological, economic and other specialties.

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