
Syrdariya university

City: Shymkent

Website: https://syrdariya.edu.kz/kz

Type: Государственная

Legal entity type: ТОО

Link to the program in the registry: https://syrdariya.edu.kz/kz/quality-edu

QS Ranking: 0.0

THE Ranking: 0.0

About HEI

University "Syrdariya" is located in Zhetysay city, Zhetysay district, Turkistan region. The area has its own characteristics, such as: gegraficheskoe location, the highest density of population, high birth rates, preservation of language, customs and traditions of Kazakh people. The district's area is 1.8 square kilometers and is bordered on all sides with the Republic of Uzbekistan. The distance between the city and the regional center Zhetysai more than 231 km. Today the area is home to more than 300 thousand people., 90% of them are Kazakhs, and the rest 10% of representatives of national minorities. The population density was 144.7 people. 1 square kilometers, the average for the Republic of 6 people. 1 sq.km. In addition, in the territory of neighboring Uzbekistan is home to 2.5 million Kazakhs. These features and identified the main causes of nebhodimo University in Zhetysay. University "Syrdariya" was opened in 1998 on the basis of the Classification Zhetysay training center named H.A.Yassavi (Order № 408 of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Public Health of KR of July 27, 1998), March 5, 1998 registered as a legal entity in management Justice Mahtaaral district of South Kazakhstan region. February 6, 2007 pereregestrirovan (certificate of re-registration №254-1958-10 LLP).

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