
T.K.Zhurgenov Kazakh National Academy of Arts

City: Almaty

Website: https://kaznai.kz

Type: Государственная

Legal entity type: on

Link to the program in the registry: https://kaznai.kz

QS Ranking: 0

THE Ranking: 0

About HEI

Currently, the Academy has 6 faculties: the Faculty of Theatre Arts, the Faculty of Painting, Sculpture and Design, the Faculty of Art study, the Faculty of Cinema and Television, the Faculty of Choreography, the Faculty of Musical Art. In December 2001, the Republican Art College was included into the Academy, which gave rise to a multistage specialists training in the field of art: 1) boarding school - initial art training (grades 7-9); 2) college - technical and vocational education; 3) Higher educational institution - higher vocational education, 4) postgraduate education - master's and doctoral studies (PhD). In the boarding school and college, talented children and young people are trained and educated.

HEI gallery