
Aktau - is a city located in the south-west of Kazakhstan, the regional center of the Mangistau region. The city is located on the coast of the Caspian Sea. The climate is desert, very hot and dry in summer. The population of the city is 261,907 people. After the collapse of the USSR, Aktau became the center for the development of both old and modern oil and gas fields discovered in the last century.

Aktau is a strategically important port of Kazakhstan, a unique city with desalination. Despite the desert and difficult climatic conditions, man managed to restore the land and turn it into a cultural and tourist center. The sights of the city include the lighthouse, the Columbus Caravel monument, the Botanical Garden, the Beket-Ata mosque, the local embankment, local museums, nature reserves, galleries, etc.

The city has 1 university with 470 foreign students.